Nintendo Switch
Mendel Palace
Candy needs your help! She's fallen fast asleep and may never wake up--because she's trapped in her own dream!
All her harmless dolls are suddenly out to get her! So who will rescue Candy? Someone must brave her wild nightmare world. With 20 areas and 200 levels!

The player's character must save his girlfriend, who was kidnapped by a young girl. The backstory differs slightly between the Japanese and American versions, although the in-game presentation is the same regardless. In the American version, the player's character is named Bon-Bon and the girl he must rescue is a Princess named Candy, who is trapped in her own dream. In the Japanese version, the main character is named Carton and the girl he must rescue is merely his own girlfriend, Jenny, who has been kidnapped by Carton's younger sister Quinty (the titular character in the Japanese version), who is jealous of the attention that Jenny gets.