Nintendo Switch
Wonder Boy in Monster Land
The Sega Master System/Sega Mark III port of Wonder Boy in Monster Land.

Wonder Boy: Monster Land

The plot of Wonder Boy in Monster Land follows the events in its predecessor, Wonder Boy. The game's main protagonist is a young boy named Bock Lee Temjin, known to his friends as "Tom-Tom". In Wonder Boy Tom-Tom's girlfriend Tanya was kidnapped by the "evil King" and was taken to his woodland kingdom; Tom-Tom set out to the kingdom, defeated the evil King, and saved Tanya. Word spread throughout Wonder Land about Tom-Tom's quest, and people bestowed upon him the title of "Wonder Boy". Meanwhile, the Evil King was resurrected as the MEKA Dragon, who in turn established a powerful army. Additionally, the MEKA Dragon placed mind-controlling bracelets on the land’s various inhabitants and forced them to do his bidding. He also hired the Brothers of Knight (Red and Blue) to do his bidding. Tom-Tom heard of this incident and set off to kill the MEKA Dragon. The game ends with Tom-Tom defeating the dragon, leading up to a cliffhanger for the third game.