🌍 May 19, 2022
Nintendo Switch

There Will Be No Turkey This Christmas

Christmas is coming, and your goal is to spoil it! After all, you are the turkey! Hide in the barrel so you won't be seen by your enemies. Be stealthy! You are escaping, after all. Seek the keys to make your way to freedom and escape all 7 members of the Silva family. Pass through hidden tunnels in the house so the enemies do not see you! Collect items to make new skins available. Take on the 30 levels and win the challenge of not becoming a roast turkey.

-33% ends 03/24/2025 6:59 a.m.

Nintendo eShop

$1.99 $2.99
Card & Board Game
Single player

On Christmas Eve, a small turkey manages to get into a barrel to hide from the Silva family which intended to roast it. Now, with it disguised, begins the saga of running, hiding and running a little further in search of freedom.

There Will Be No Turkey This Christmas artwork There Will Be No Turkey This Christmas artwork