Nintendo Switch
Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Super Real Darwin
Super Real Darwin is a fast-paced, vertical scrolling shoot-em-up that rewards skill and persistence - a cult classic for the retro shmup fan. Take control of a fighter ship capable of mutating into different shapes as it evolves while fighting off enemy invaders.

The story starts on the planet Lakya where the technologically advanced inhabitants of the planet unwittingly unleash the planet's life force known as Evol. As the released Evol drifts from planet Lakya, it is received by the inhabitants of the nearby planet Cokyo; the people of Cokyo initiate the Shlohe project, a plan to use their captured Evol to develop advanced biologic ships and weapons to invade planet Lakya. The inhabitants of Lakya retaliate the Cokyo invasion by using their own evolving fighter ships.