Nintendo Switch

One Lonely Outpost

Start a farming colony and grow it into a vibrant community. Choose from traditional animals and natural produce or opt for robo-cows and gene-spliced crops. You can take a break from farming by mining, socializing with colonists, finding a love interest, exploring alien ruins, and so much more!

Single player

A barren, alien world needs YOU to bring it to life! Start out with just an ancient space-RV, your handy tech gauntlet, a handful of potato seeds, and work to build up your colony. By growing enough crops to attract colonists, build up a town and an economy, you’ll be able to achieve independence and establish your colony as a prime destination! Whether you opt for an all-natural farm or a more high-tech one, you'll need to balance producing food with other activities on your planet. Explore alien ruins to learn more about this strange world, grow your relationships with the many different characters that will join your colony, and have a blast playing various mini-game activities along the way. It's One Lonely Outpost … but not for long!

One Lonely Outpost artwork