Nintendo Switch
Anomaly Hunter
In the age of time-travelling machines, that's obvious that somebody will mess up - play as detective, who must fix time anomalies and find the guest of honor. Meet King Arthur, alien mutants and communist dictator - all in a single game. Control time, discover worlds, destroy civilizations just by... CLICKING! Hidden object power!

The idea for the game originated when I watched science fiction movies, TV shows, and old anime. Cameron`s The Terminator and Aliens, Scott`s Blade Runner, Doctor Who and Rick and Morty, Akira and Ghost in the Shell: all these creations generously rewarded attentive viewers for finding hidden details and Easter eggs. All these details could often turn the understanding of the creations and give a lot of food for thought. Several years ago I decided to transfer those emotions and spirit of exploration into a game with time-traveling mechanics and Sci-Fi setting, but format like old books about Wally. The first roster of the team was assembled in early 2020, and we released a demo in June.