Nintendo Switch
Path of Giants
Path of Giants is a serene adventure puzzle game where the player controls three explorers Bern, Matchi and Totch who must help each other to conquer a set of ancient trials in search of a lost treasure. Each level focuses on the main feature of having three characters, and is hinged around the fact that the player will need to use all three of the characters in order to solve the puzzles and progress. The player will be using the boosting mechanic between the characters to help boost each other up and down platforms all while interacting with a variety of environmental moving pieces.
Nintendo eShop

There were once three kings. Powerful rulers that harnessed the magic of the land. One ruled over the ice, another the forests and a final the deserts. They put their powers together creating the Lantri, and the world fell into perfect harmony. As the king’s powers faded, they left the Lantri under the protection of the giants and sealed it behind trials. Hidden in a frozen tundra, the Path of Giants await any who seek the Lantri. But only with the king’s amulets will the path be revealed. Join three explorers Bern, Matchi and Totch who’s journey has led them to an icy mountain where they believe the Lantri to be hidden.