Nintendo Switch
Demolition Robots K.K.
Demolition Robots K. K. is Co-op 4 players multiplayer game.
Control mega-robots but don’t fight each other, player’s work is destroying buildings in the whole city as soon as you can for earn money!

You live in a peaceful world that has triumphed over a giant alien invasion. To pay off your debts, you take a job at Demolition Robots K.K., a revolutionary urban demolition company that utilizes battle robots paid off by the private sector. However, your debts will not disappear immediately after hard work. There must be a more efficient way... Players must not fight each other directly! Robots are company equipment. You may not hit another player because you do not want him to take your wages. You will be considered to have intentionally damaged company equipment and your wages (points) will be deducted from your wages. However, this does not apply if you "accidentally" hit a steel ball or crane that was on site. Now you know what to do...